
Babylon 5 - Ankkahuumoria


Ankkavillityksenkin takana on JMS itse
Sinclair's D*ck ja Duck Dodgers

Todiste, että Kosh onkin todellisuudessa Duck Dodgers
JMS myöntää pitävänsä suunnattomasti vanhoista klassisista WB:n piirretyistä. Tämä on myös siirtynyt Garibaldin hahmoon, jonka huoneen seinältä löytyy Repe Sorsan kuva. Ankat / sorsat / whatever ovat kummitelleet myös muualla, ensimmäistä kautta Yhdysvalloissa esitettäessä syntyi mielenkiintoinen käsite, Sinclair's D*ck. Eli joku (tässä tuntematon) henkilö valitti Sinclairin olevan munaton, käyttäen jatkuvasti termiä D*ck...

From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
Date: 18 May 1994 06:28:13 -0400
Subject: Re: Sinclair's D*CK!

     I don't understand...what does Sinclair's duck have to do with
anything?  We weren't even planning on introducing the duck until late in
season two.  I suspect a leak.  Nothing worse than a leaky duck.

From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
Date: 15 Jun 1994 19:48:55 -0400
Subject: JMS!!  What are the rules?

     Of the options you listed, only D poses a real problem; A-C are
more or less okay.  The problem comes not so much from speculating on
elements already introduced, as introducing *new* plot elements that
have not been seen in the show to back up speculation or conjecture,
which may or may not approximate what we're doing.  "The Minbari
surrendered because in some episode we'll see someday the Earth had
developed a giant killer space duck hidden on the dark side of the
moon that would nibble the Minbari homeworld to destruction."  That is
kind of the dividing line between what's safe and not-safe.
From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
Date: 4 Jul 1994 04:58:35 -0400
Subject: a question

     "How did Sinclair's duck thing get started?"
     Probably by watching an attractive woman walk across the room.
                                       jm(quack in residence)s
From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
Date: 31 Jul 1994 02:14:59 -0400
Subject: Re: Regarding the Voices 2 GIF

     It's a duck.  Yes, why, of course it's a ducky.  Why would I think
anything else?  What a silly question.
     It's a duck.  A texture mapped metallic duck coming out of a
     A duck.  Of course.  A duck.
     (I wanna see it...and I wanna see it now.)
From: straczynski@genie.geis.com
Date: 7 Dec 1994 00:37:40 -0500
Subject: ATTN JMS: Sex questio

     Me, I'm just waiting for somebody to refer to "The Long Dark" as "The
Long Duck"....

Giant Killer Space Duck, jonka takia minbarit antautuivat sodassa

Ankkalista - Eli mitä väsyneet fanit saavat aikaan IRC:ssä keskellä yötä...

VAROITUS! Alla on mukana jaksojen nimiä väännetyssä muodossa aina viidennelle kaudelle asti!

[Kuva] EAD Roanoke
(ankan omistaa Leopold)

"The quacking has already started. It is too late for the ducks to vote."

"No duck today, duck tomorrow. There's always a duck tomorrow."

000 - The Duckening                      Ankoittuminen

Signs and Ducks

001 - Duck on the Firing Line            Ankka pimeästä
002 - Duck Hunter                        Ankkojen saalistaja
003 - Born to the Duck                   Ankkuuden taakka
004 - Duckfection                        Ankan muna
005 - The Parliament of Ducks            Unelmien ankka
006 - Duck War                           Ankkamieli
007 - The Duck Prayer                    Ankan lietsojat
008 - And the Pool Full of Ducks         Ankkakoe
009 - Duckwalker                         Ankantuoja
010 - Quackers                           Ankankiista
011 - Quackers                           Ankkaanjääneet
012 - By Any Duck Necessary              Ankkoja kaihtamatta
013 - Signs and Ducks                    Ankkamerkkejä
014 - DCK                                Ankkahauta
015 - Bathtub                            Ankanmalja
016 - Ducks                              Ankat
017 - Duckies                            Menneisyyden ankka
018 - A Quack in the Duck, part 1        Ankka syvyydestä, osa 1
019 - A Quack in the Duck, part 2        Ankka syvyydestä, osa 2
020 - Duck Squared                       Ankan vangit
021 - The Quality of Duck                Parantava ankka
022 - Duckalis                           Ankkakohta

The Coming of Ducks

023 - Ducks of Departure                 Uusi ankka
024 - Duckolations                       Ankastuksia
025 - The Geometry of Ducks              Ankkojen geometria
026 - A Distant Duck                     Kaukainen ankka
027 - The Long Duck                      Ankan kosketus
028 - A Duck in the Bathtub              Ankka verkossa
029 - Soul Ducks                         Ylimmät ankat
030 - A Race Through Duck Places         Ankkajuoksu pimeässä
031 - The Coming of Ducks                Ankat tulevat
032 - DUCKOS                             Operaatio ankkakuolema
033 - Duck Alone in the Night            Ankka yössä
034 - Ducks of Sacrifice                 Ankkoja
035 - Hunter, Duck                       Metsästäjä, ankka
036 - There All the Ducks Lie            Ankantuntoa
037 - And Now For a Duck                 Uutisankka
038 - In the Shadow of Duck              Ankan varjossa
039 - Ducks                              Ankkataistelu
040 - Confessions and Ducks
041 - Divided Ducks
042 - The Long, Twilight Duck
043 - Comes the Duck
044 - The Fall of Duck

Point of No Ducks

045 - Ducks of Honor
046 - Conducktions
047 - A Duck in the Strife
048 - Passing Through Ducks
049 - Ducks of Authority
050 - Duck to Duck
051 - Exoduck
052 - Messages from Duck
053 - Point of No Ducks
054 - Severed Ducks
055 - Ceremonies of Light and Duck
056 - Sic Transit Duck
057 - A Late Duck from Avalon
058 - Ship of Ducks
059 - Bathtubs and Rubberducks
060 - War Without Duck, part 1
061 - War Without Duck, part 2
062 - Duckabout
063 - Duck 17 Is Missing
064 - And the Duck Quacked Out, No Swimming Place
065 - Duck Dancing
066 - Z'ha'duck

No Bathtub, No Duck

067 - The Hour of the Duck
068 - Whatever Happened to Mr. Duck?
069 - The Quacking
070 - Falling Toward Bathtub
071 - The Duck Night
072 - Into the Duck
073 - Epiducks
074 - The Illusion of Duck
075 - Ducktonement
076 - Racing Duck
077 - Ducks of Communication
078 - Conflicts of Ducks
079 - Rumors, Bargains and Ducks
080 - Ducks of Transition
081 - No Bathtub, No Duck
082 - The Exercise of Vital Ducks
083 - The Duck of the Enemy
084 - Ducks in Real Time
085 - Between the Duckness and the Light
086 - Duckgame
087 - Rising Duck
088 - The Deconstruction of Falling Ducks

The Wheel of Duck

089 - No Ducks
090 - The Very Long Night of Duck
091 - The Paragon of Ducks
092 - A View from the Duckery
093 - Learning Duck
094 - Strange Ducks
095 - Secrets of the Duck
096 - In the Kingdom of the Duck
097 - A Tragedy of Ducks
098 - Phoenix Duck
099 - Day of the Duck
100 - The Ragged Duck
101 - The Duck is Mother, the Duck is Father
102 - Meditations on the Duck
103 - Duckness Ascending
104 - And All My Ducks, Torn Asunder
105 - Movements of Fire and Duck
106 - <sensuroitu ankka>
107 - Ducks in Motion
108 - Ducks at Rest
109 - Duck of Fire
110 - Sleeping with Duck

      In the Ducking
      The River of Ducks
      A Duck to Arms
Tämä sivu

Sinclairin ankka