
Babylon 5 - Näyttelijäkierrätyksiä



Babylon 5:ssä on muutaman hengen kokoinen näyttelijätiimi, joka maskeerataan milloin miksikin alieniksi. He ovat riittävän ilmeikkäitä näytelläkseen senttien paksuisen maskin alla, ja täyttävät usein sivuosa-alieneiden roolit jaksosta toiseen. Tämän tiimin lisäksi muutama muuten vain hyväksi todettu näyttelijä on kierrätetty useammassa eri roolissa erilaisten maskien alla. Listassa on mukana (toivottavasti) kaikki esiintymiset Babylon 5:ssä, mukaanlukien TV-elokuvat.

Diane Adair
The War PrayerMila Shar
Confessions and LamentationsMarkab Mother
Comes the InquisitorNarn Mother
Wayne Alexander
Comes the InquisitorSebastian
And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding PlaceG'Dan
(6 jaksoa)Lorien
Intersections in Real TimeDrazi
Movements of Fire and ShadowDrakh
The Fall of Centauri PrimeDrakh
The River Of SoulsSoul One
A Call to ArmsDrakh
Jennifer Anglin
Points of DepartureDeeron
The Long DarkAlien #1
Acts of SacrificeNarn Second
Theodore Bikel
TKORabbi Koslov
In the BeginningLenonn
Neil Bradley
The Geometry of ShadowsPurple Drazi
The Long DarkAlien #2
The Coming of ShadowsKha'Mak
There All the Honor LiesMinbari #3
The Long, Twilight StruggleNarn #2
A Day in the StrifeNarn #1
No Surrender, No RetreatPhilby
Movements of Fire and ShadowDr. Liberano Varda
Objects in MotionTra'nil
Julie Caitlin Brown
1. kausiNa'Toth
There All the Honor LiesGuinevere Corey
A Tragedy of TelepathsNa'Toth
Ron Campbell
The SummoningAmbassador #1
The Long NightDrazi Ambassador
Rumors, Bargains and LiesDrazi Ambassador
Meditations on the AbyssDrazi Ambassador
A Call to ArmsDrazi
Jonathan Chapman
Points of DepartureAmbassador #1
The Geometry of ShadowsGreen Drazi #2
The Coming of ShadowsNarn Pilot #2
There All the Honor LiesMinbari #2
The Long, Twilight StruggleNarn Second
Matters of HonorDrazi Pilot
Point of No ReturnPassing Minbari
Severed DreamsReligious Minbari
Interludes and ExaminationsBrakiri
Shadow DancingBrakiri
The SummoningAmbassador Lethke
Rumors, Bargains and LiesBrakiri Ambassador
Day of the DeadBrakiri Ambassador
A Tragedy of TelepathsBrakiri Ambassador
And All My Dreams, Torn AsunderBrakiri Ambassador
James Jude Courtney
Sic Transit VirNarn #1
Robert DiTillio
Born to the PurpleNorg
DeathwalkerAmbassador #1
Carrie Dobro
ExogenesisDr. Harrison
Racing MarsBrakiri
CrusadeDureena Nafeel
John Flinn
GrailMr. Flinn
ConvictionsObnoxious man
Sandey Grinn
A Distant StarTeronn
Acts of SacrificeNarn Captain
The Exercise of Vital PowersPatient #2
Mark Hendrickson
Midnight on the Firing LineNarn Captain
The Parliament of DreamsDu'Rog
The War PrayerThegras
And the Sky Full of StarsGrey Council #1
SurvivorsAlien #1
Babylon SquaredGrey Council #2
ChrysalisNarn Pilot
Points of DepartureAmbassador #2
RevelationsNarn Captain
There All the Honor LiesHuman/Alien Customer
Comes the InquisitorNarn #1
The Fall of NightNarn #1
A Day in the StrifeNarn #2
Shadow DancingDrazi Ambassador
The Hour of the WolfDrazi Ambassador
The Ragged EdgeNarn Acolyte
Meditations on the AbyssNarn Acolyte
Marjean Holden
A Call to ArmsNavigation
CrusadeDr. Sarah Chambers
Bart McCarthy
Moments of TransitionShakiri
Movements of Fire and ShadowDaro
Bryan Michael McGuire
Soul MatesMan
The Coming of ShadowsCustoms Guard #1
Hunter, PreyGuard #2
Michael McKenzie
The Parliament of DreamsPilgrim
Mind WarNarn Captain
By Any Means NecessaryNarn Captain
Points of DepartureVastor
RevelationsNarn Navigator
There All the Honor LiesAlien Customer
Confessions and LamentationsMarkab Victim
ConvictionsDrazi #1
WalkaboutMinbari Captain
Jim Norton
GrailOmbuds Wellington
The Quality of MercyOmbuds Wellington
Confessions and LamentationsDr. Lazarenn
Dust to DustNarn Image
Tricia O'Neil
In the BeginningPresident
Robin Sachs
Points of DepartureHedronn
All Alone in the NightHedronn
The Fall of NightNa'Kal
Movements of Fire and ShadowNa'Tok [sic]
The Fall of Centauri PrimeNa'Tok [sic]
In the BeginningCoplann
Debra Sharkey
Points of DepartureTech #2
Ship of TearsMed Tech
W. Morgan Sheppard
Soul HunterThe Soul Hunter
The Long, Twilight StruggleWarmaster G'Sten
Fumi Shishino
And the Sky Full of StarsSecurity Guard
ChrysalisScreaming Woman
Robert Silver
Signs and PortentsReno
Hunter, PreyMerchant
John Snyder
Soul HunterSoul Hunter #2
By Any Means NecessaryOrin Zento
Kim Strauss
Points of DepartureEnsign
The Geometry of ShadowsGreen Drazi
The Long DarkMarkab Ambassador
The Coming of ShadowsNarn Pilot #1
Confessions and LamentationsMarkab Ambassador
Comes the InquisitorNarn #2
The Fall of NightDrazi Ambassador
Dust to DustVizak
Severed DreamsNarn
Ceremonies of Light and DarkLennan
The Long NightG'Lorn
The Paragon of AnimalsDrazi Ambassador
A Tragedy of TelepathsDrazi Ambassador
And All My Dreams, Torn AsunderDrazi Ambassador
Don Stroud
Ceremonies of Light and DarkBoggs
Marshall Teague
InfectionNelson Drake
All Alone in the NightNarn
A Day in the StrifeTa'Lon
Point of No ReturnTa'Lon
The Ragged EdgeTa'Lon
Objects at RestTa'Lon
Patty Toy
A Voice in the Wilderness, part 1Psi Corps Rep
A Distant StarOgilvie
Louis Turenne
A Voice in the WildernessDraal
ConvictionsBrother Theo
Passing Through GethsemaneBrother Theo
And the Rock Cried Out, No Hiding PlaceBrother Theo
John Vickery
(5 jaksoa)Neroon
The Fall of NightMr. Welles
Ed Wasser
The GatheringGuerra
(12 jaksoa)Morden
Tämä sivu

Diane Adair
Wayne Alexander
Jennifer Anglin
Theodore Bikel
Neil Bradley
Julie Caitlin Brown
Ron Campbell
Jonathan Chapman
James Jude Courtney
Robert DiTillio
Carrie Dobro
John Flinn
Sandey Grinn
Mark Hendrickson
Marjean Holden
Bart McCarthy
Bryan Michael McGuire
Michael McKenzie
Jim Norton
Tricia O'Neil
Robin Sachs
Debra Sharkey
W. Morgan Sheppard
Fumi Shishino
Robert Silver
John Snyder
Kim Strauss
Don Stroud
Marshall Teague
Patty Toy
Louis Turenne
John Vickery
Ed Wasser